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Theses are just some products that I like to use, you dont have to use these. Try to avoid products with fragrance!

Step Product Why I like it Image
Step 1 CeraVe SA Cleanser Bar This is legit my favorite, it's been difficult ot find lately. What's so great about this product is the Salicylic acid, it's one of the most gentle exfoliating acids for your skin. It helps promote the skin's natural exfoliation process, the older we get the slower that process gets. Salicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory properties properties. I love that I can use this product on my face and body. soap
Step 2 The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Niacinamide (B3) is another ingrediant that I wont shut up about, it's used in many products on the market. It helps with sebum production, stimulates collagen production, calms the skin, and it helps with pigmentation. Niacinamide has other benefits, I just listed my favorite aspects about it. There are better products, apparently the sweet spot is 3%-5% Niacinamide. I like this product because it's not too difficult to find, and not too expensive compared to other Niacinamide products. serum
Step 0 / Step 1 Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2% This is a product you only want to use in the morning, I don't often wash my face in the morning. VitaminC
Step 3 Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion It's a great lightweight lotion, but it's also very moisturizing thanks to the hyaluronic acid, it's a humectant, so it retains moisture lotion
Step 4 Coppertone Sport Mineral Sunscreen This suncreen does leave a slight white caste on my skin, but I like that it's smooth to apply. I will choose a mineral(physical) sunscreen over a chemical sunscreen even if it leaves a caste. Chemical sunscreen isn't deemed as unsafe, however it travels down into your skin's dermis and it goes into your bloodstream. We need more clinical studies to see if it has any long term damage
Step 4 Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen Okay I've acually never tried this one, but I wanted to mention a mineral suncreen that I've heard several darker skinned dermatologists online recommend for miminal white caste.